Essential Considerations When Choosing a Commercial Refrigerator

26 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Venturing into the food industry requires the right strategy, which involves getting the right commercial refrigerator. It is an invaluable appliance considering the rising demand for food services and cut-throat competition defining the market. Finding the right commercial refrigerator can set you apart from the competition since your foods and ingredients will always be fresh. That said, you must consider a couple of things when looking for a commercial refrigerator. Here is a look at the essential considerations.

1. Kitchen Space

How much kitchen space do you have? As straightforward as the question might seem, you would be surprised at the number of restaurateurs that ignore it only to realise that they need to change their refrigerator. The size of your kitchen determines the size of the refrigerator you should buy. Ideally, small refrigerators work well with small kitchens and vice-versa. However, refrigerators vary in design, with the most popular ones having sliding doors. If you have a small kitchen, you can still buy a big refrigerator with sliding doors since they open along a rail and do not take too much space as fridges with swing doors.

2. Durable Doors

As you shop for a commercial refrigerator, keep in mind that your staff will open and close the unit throughout each shift. The constant motion can lead to premature wear and tear if you do not choose your refrigerator wisely. Although quality refrigerators have durable doors, it is advisable to avoid models with hinges. The constant swinging action weakens the hinges, making regular maintenance mandatory, which is costly to sustain. Sliding doors are a better option because all is required is a clean track for the doors to glide. If you want to stick with swing doors, ensure that the top and bottom hinges are made of stainless steel.

3. Condenser Location

A condenser mainly cools the refrigerant by turning it into a liquid for absorbing heat. Condenser coils are typically located at the top or bottom part of a commercial refrigerator. Therefore, the type of condenser you choose determines how well your kitchen operates. For instance, commercial refrigerators with top-mounted condensers have more storage space, an advantage for any restaurant. They also run cooler since warm air is vented upwards rather than downwards. On the other hand, bottom-mounted condensers are easier to clean and service, a property that most restaurateurs appreciate. 

For more insight, reach out to companies that supply commercial refrigeration equipment. 
